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What can I say about the store that has everything?! And if not, they can create it! On point and always on trend!! We have loved everything we have ordered, from the personalization and the quality, to the workmanship and style! Simply the best…
In.B.Tween has the cutest personalized items for kids. Jody is so helpful and she goes above and beyond to make sure every detail meets or exceeds your expectations. The “My Favorite Things” blankets are amazing–my daughters are absolutely obsessed with them!
While I was in the hospital, Jody quickly got my order done and gave it to my mom to bring to me with a hand written “Feel better soon, xo Jody”. Every order I’ve placed with @ShopInBtween has been such a pleasant experience with quick replies, faster than average production time, and excellent follow-up. Thanks, Jody!
Working with Jody at In.B.Tween is always a pleasure! She is super easy to work with and shopping is always seamless with her. Jody listens to all my needs and always recommends the absolute best gifts.
I absolutely loved working with Jody while designing custom blankets for my girls! She made it so easy and answered all of my questions. I’ve since come back time and time again because of how wonderful she is and how adorable all her products are!
Jody is a complete connoisseur in all things camp! I live in Old Greenwich, CT and we bought everything via ZOOM. Her products are of the highest quality and distinctly different from all others! One stop shopping made super easy & the best part: my 3 daughters loved everything she picked! Thank you so much @ShopInBtween!
What can I say about the store that has everything?! And if not, they can create it! On point and always on trend!! We have loved everything we have ordered, from the personalization and the quality, to the workmanship and style! Simply the best…
In.B.Tween has the cutest personalized items for kids. Jody is so helpful and she goes above and beyond to make sure every detail meets or exceeds your expectations. The “My Favorite Things” blankets are amazing–my daughters are absolutely obsessed with them!
While I was in the hospital, Jody quickly got my order done and gave it to my mom to bring to me with a hand written “Feel better soon, xo Jody”. Every order I’ve placed with @ShopInBtween has been such a pleasant experience with quick replies, faster than average production time, and excellent follow-up. Thanks, Jody!
Working with Jody at In.B.Tween is always a pleasure! She is super easy to work with and shopping is always seamless with her. Jody listens to all my needs and always recommends the absolute best gifts.
I absolutely loved working with Jody while designing custom blankets for my girls! She made it so easy and answered all of my questions. I’ve since come back time and time again because of how wonderful she is and how adorable all her products are!
Jody is a complete connoisseur in all things camp! I live in Old Greenwich, CT and we bought everything via ZOOM. Her products are of the highest quality and distinctly different from all others! One stop shopping made super easy & the best part: my 3 daughters loved everything she picked! Thank you so much @ShopInBtween!